

Jan 8, 2013
ive recently obtained a Mid Android tablet first tablet ihave had,ihad trouble in trying to get it work right,although i have the user manual i think it was mainly through myself and my partner not familiar enough as to how tae work it,so my parter suggested to reset it back to factory settings ever since doingit niether me or her havnt a clue what tae do its just because its our first one the tablet is a Mid Android tablet - Mid Android version 1.6 - Kernel lversion 2.6.29.any help would be appreciated from a complete novice. Thank you
Normally the factory reset, if the tablet is working, can be done by going to settings - backup & reset, (or something similar depending on your tablet and Android version. If you do have any data (and apps) on it it will be lost but any apps can be re-installed from the Store.