
alcassetta: Kindly update us once you receive your package, and tell us how you like it.

I'm glad that your package is finally coming your way, awesome news! :)
My package is nearly here (at the local USPS office). Once I get it, i'll be closing up this thread... as there isn't much else to talk about.

I'll open up a new thread with a review, and eventually a video review.

If you have other underlining issues with this company, or want to express your opinion further... kindly open another thread.
Hi i have received my 10" tablet at last ordered on the 23rd November, a long time i know but it seems worth it, some people are saying with OS 2.1 you cant view youtube, i can i have also downloaded books from amazon and the wow bookstore, this tablet cost me £109 my pal got one for 152 with OS 2.2 it hasnt got flytouch like mine and it doesnt do a host of other things, plus mine is 10" his is only 7", im quite pleased with mine, i may become a bit of a pain on this site because i know a bit about PCs but not much about android, so i will be asking for help from you guys if thats ok,

No... but it's freezing out side... I can't believe how cold it is.. it nearly feels like hell has frozen over!! lol... crazy long time...
:mad:I'm calling for a Ban on Now Supplier. I purchased one of their Samsung S5PV210 tablets for $215. then I started reading all the bad reviews. I was encouraged when I actually got it 3 days after they gave it to DHL. Processor is very fast but nothing worked out of the box ie You Tube, Flash, Market etc. when they assured me it would before I purchased it. Then the camera, their site says that it is a 1.3M pixels front facing camera. I figured with an 8" screen that should be sufficient. I've taught technology for 25 years and digital photography. When I got the tablet the camera is only a 200M (.2) not a 1.3. and if that isn't bad enough it has a big dot in the bottom of the lens that is seen on every picture. Can't be cleaned it is under the lense cover. The pictures are all blurry and the video is a laugh with no sound!!!!! I wrote them and told them of the apps not working and that I had read on this site and SoBuying that the next few upgrades to the firmware should fix all the apps not working, ha ha When is that suppose to occur and how do you download it???? They wanted to know why I thought it was a 200M camera and not 1.3M. So I sent them a picture of the book that came with the tablet stating that it was a 200M not 1.3M. I also sent them an example a picture that I took with the camera and a video, so they could see for themselves that the quality of the picture and video. Here is their reply:
Dear buyer,
please listen to us explain.
the manufacturers provide the information with 200M.
but after we examine the real plex of the camera,it is about 1.3m.
also you can read the information on our website.
about the market,
you can insert a tf card to add the memory for the tablet.
thank you for your time.

What a joke and lie. Yea right, the manufacturer put a better camera in it then the book says it is. I think that they didn't look at them closely when they came in. They may have ordered 1.3M and started advertising them but they got 200M. Just own up to it Now Supplier. This camera is totally useless and I wanted it to video chat on it. I have put in a claim with Pay Pal but I am not spending anything to send this back they can just send a RMA if they want it., I don;t know how Pay Pal works, but some of you have said that you have gotten your money back. How many folks need to be ripped off before someone on this site finally bans this vendor. First of all I thought they were the manufacturer. At least that is what is pictured on their site. Lie Lie Lie. If you are interested, below is my blow by blow conversations with NowSupplier from the very beginning where I asked if everything would work out of the box, their first lie. Please do not purchase anything from them. There are at least two other vendors who sell this with a much better reputation and a 2.0M camera for a couple of bucks more. SoBuying is one, they were honest with their customers and said that the next few firmware updates should fix things. I would have never purchased this had I known that.. Please help me to keep others from being ripped off. Look for my next post detailing what occured.
Here are my conversations with them before I had purchased it and asked if everything would work "out of the box" and how they gave it 5 stars

Dear Buyer
thanks for your attention
the star come up according to the price quality, and the review of customers
we test every product before sending them out, and pack it tightly and carefully, if not damaged during the shipping, it will sure ready to use
best wishes

After I received it I wrote them this:
I received my tablet and many things do not work. You said it would work out of the box. Android Market doesn't work and this cannot be downloaded from the internet, You Tube doesn't work, the camera was advertised as a 1.3M pixels but it really has 200M pixels camera which is useless and also has a dot on the lens that cannot be removed. Without Market and a 1.3 M pixels camera this is useless. I also understand from your video that a fix need to be done so Flash 10 will work. Also from reading on the forums the firmware needs to be updated. I am very disappointed. I was pleased with the delivery after all I read on the forums. But the product is not what you advertised. I have put in a claim with Pay Pal. They will be contacting you. If you want to exchange this at your expense for shipping, these things need to be updated/fixed.
1. 1.3 M Pixels camera
2. Firmware needs to be updated
3. Flash needs files installed and working
4. Market needs to work
4. You Tube needs to work
5. All installed apps need to work
Please contact me as soon as possible to resolve this. I do not want to add to the bad reviews you have gotten.
I was giving them an opportunity to correct things.

They wrote back:
Dear Buyer
can you view other video apps or only the You Tube not work? here we attaches a setup for the flash
where did you get the information for the upgrade? the tablet is a new comer in the market, there is no need to be upgrade. we do have upgrade ones, but not these.
the camera is a 1.3 megapixel camera, what do you mean 200M?
please use a micro sd card when download something, for there is no spare space for it.
may these do you a favor, try them and see whether the tablet work well
besr regards

I wrote them back and I included a picture of the book that came with tablet stating 200M camera not 1.300M. I also sent a photo and video that I took with the tablet's camera so they could see for themselves. I guess they never opened the booklet that came with the tablet or they would have seen for themselves that the manufacturer sent them tablets with 200M camera not 1.3M.
I wrote:
Regarding the camera. The book you included says thay the camera is 200M and the quality of the pictures are same. You advertised the camera was 1.3M but it is really .2
I am including a picture of where the book says 200M. This is no good for video chat, no one can see me, too blurry.

Regarding firmware update. Please go to this site and read reviews at bottom of page. ARM CortexTM-A8 MID Samsung S5PV210 Android 2.2 Tablet PC Support Web Flash They sell the exact tablet. Look at the remarks from Dany Menko from sobuying at site and below. He is sending firmware update to his customers so Android Market will work.

decent, might need a firmware update
Posted by megazig on 11th Jan 2011

Works pretty well for the price.
Gmail app refuses to run. Youtube app as well. No android market. Comes with some chinese market. Slide market is only ok for new installs.
Touchscreen can be jerky at times.
Roots with z4 very easily. Haven't figured out custm rom for gthis yet in case there's no official update. Specs are quite close to apad8 though.
The things that do run work quite smoothly. It's definitely a great device if the few bugs/issues are taken care of.
So Buying Service reply:
Dear Megazig, Thank you for your shopping with us and give us precious feedback. This tablet was upgraded. It have android market already. we will sent the app to you ASAP.

Best tablet on the world
Posted by Dany Menko on 1st Jan 2011

this is the way you go
it will have droid market google market everything next f/w update

He also has apps to fix things like the one you sent me for flash, please see this site: Android apps, Android apk download

Do you sell the USB 3G module that I need to use 3G, I cannot find it on internet. Please reply ASAP.

As you can see he never answered my question about the USB 3G module and I can't find it anywhere on the internet, so I can't use my 3G netwrok access only WIFI, dont have WIFI it at home so I have to hang out at Starbucks to use it.
I continued to play with the video and had another problem so I wrote them back:
I wrote Yan Liu this:
New Camera Problem I tried to make a video with this tablet and keep getting error message "Activity Camcorder (in application Camera) is not responding. There is also no sound. I am attaching two examples of the camera. One is a still picture of the box that the tablet came in and one is a video file. As you will see there is dirt under the lens that I cannot clean. It is at the bottom of the images.

They wrote back:
Dear buyer,
please listen to us explain.
the manufacturers provide the information with 200M.
but after we examine the real plex of the camera,it is about 1.3m.
also you can read the information on our website.
about the market,
you can insert a tf card to add the memory for the tablet.
thank you for your time.

As I said before I don't believe this for one minute. Please help me place a ban on Now Supplier so no one else gets ripped off. I;m praying that Pay Pal gets my money back. As I said I am a retired teacher and I don;t have money to waste. I wanted to video chat to my son and daughter in law who are also teachers in San Salvadore. So Disappointed!!!!
Very unfortunate to hear about your situation. If you feel that your tablet isn't worth what you paid, then I would suggest you do what you feel is right. It is in your rights, as a paypal user, to start a chargeback procedure. Make sure you are descriptive as possible with paypal. You should be able to go through this thread and a few others, and possibly contact some users that have success on receiving refunds.

I hate to see when people are not happy with their tablets, it's a big time bummer.
My package was received on January 18th, 2011. Originally shipped on November 30th, 2010. I will create a new thread about the review of the tablets in the up coming days.

If you have any questions about NowSupplier, kindly review this 19 page thread or any other threads on this forum. This thread is long enough, and has come to an end. If you have had a personal experience with this vendor (good or bad) kindly create a new thread of your situation out there.

Read, be informed, prepare, educate yourselves :)
Finally the tablet has been initiated, it work, it arrived blocked and need a hard reset (the tablet arrived without manual and I must to search to found how to do the hard reset), but I don´t recomend this vendor, I have a bad experience with it and the article appear as used, wrap battery and other component opened, screen darty...and don´t answer emails.
I ordered 2 of the iMito iM7-Android 2.1 Tablets on November 26 as Christmas presents. I have been contacting nowsupplier for nearly a month (after waiting nearly a month for the things in the first place). I finally received the tablets this past Friday, after NS "re-shipped" them Monday! I had a pay pal dispute open but let it close on 1/10 when I realized they were re-shipping the tablets...anyway, I wish I had kept it open. The tablets appear to be used, one has a scrape/nick in a corner, the other has a button that is cockeyed and half pushed in, there are different apps on each one (which makes it seem like someone else had used it), only one tablet came with an instruction manual (mind you, the instruction manual is short and simple at best in the first place), one came with a charger that stopped working within 36 hours, one came with the WRONG charger so it has been sitting dead on the counter since Friday, and the plastic package insert that holds the tablet while it is shipping (in the box) looked like someone stepped on it before putting it in the box (cracked and broken). I emailed nowsupplier, telling them of these issues. They have gotten a lot faster at returning my emails, so this morning there was this email waiting for me...

could you take some pictures for the two charges?we can see the difference from the pictures.
and we are so sorry for the one missing manual,could you use the two tablets in one manual?
we can guarantee that the tablets are brand new.
before we ship all the products,we must examine the condition of the products is good.
and you said the boxes are completely cracked.
maybe it is open by the customs.
hope your understanding.

They want ME to take a picture of the chargers??? And then what? And use ONE book for TWO tablets? Yes, plausable, if the tablets weren't for 2 different people in 2 different locations (luckily the thing is easy enough to figure out without the book, but...), and blaming customs for the packaging? I asked for their shipping address so I could return the tablets and get my money back in my previous email to them, and this request was completely ignored!!

Pay a couple extra $$ and buy from someone me!

Below please find the latest conversations I have had with Now Supplier regarding the purchase of the Samsung S5PV210 tablet for $215 that is being discussed here. On their web site it states that it has a 1.3M pixel camera. When I recieved it and read the booklet that came with it I noticed the camera is stated to be a 200M pixels. I tied to take a picrture with it and the pictures are so blurry you can barely make out the image. In addition the camera is defective because the lens has a spot under the cover that comes through to the pictures. I have tried to clean it but it is under the lense cover. The camera is useless Basically NowSupplier is now saying that even though the book that came with the tablet from the manufacturer states 200M camera, No Supplier says that the book is wrong and it is the better 1.3M camera. That’s fraud. I do not believe him. He has offered a $5.00 refund, what an insult, or is he recognizing that the 200M camera is only worth $5., in either case he has been fraudulent in his representation of the grade and quality of the camera and in addition the camera is defective. I am depending on Pay Pal to resolve this in my favor. Here is his latest email to me where he admits fraud. The quality of the photos proves it is a 200M and defective. (By the way Market doesn't work on these machines and never will since they are not certified by Google is my understanding. Market is on the firmware and cannot be downloaded they put some Chinese Market on it)
Dear buyer,
please listen to us explain.
the manufacturers provide the information with 200M.
but after we examine the real plex of the camera,it is about 1.3m.
also you can read the information on our website.
about the market,
you can insert a tf card to add the memory for the tablet.
thank you for your time.
The other Nowsupplier thread was merged into this one. Please continue discussion here.
I've played with both tablets I got from NowSupplier, and I started writing down some of my thoughts lastnight. I should have something to post later today, of what I think.