Ok, Dumbest question. But...

Aug 25, 2010
Which side is the top?

I just got the gTab, and I know which is the top in landscape mode, but it seems as though some apps default to portrait and to me they seem upside down. Are the (Search, Home, Menu, and Back) Keys on the bottom, or the top?

Because like I said, for programs that default to portrait, I have to turn it to where the Keys are on the top of the tablet, which is quite the opposite of my Droid 2.

Also, and I don't know if this is anything, but I am using Vegan 5.1.

One more question... Are the (Search, Home, Menu, and Back) Keys supposed to be lit up?

Thanks in advance. :)
Yep, they are the opposite of the Droid, Droid 2, HTC Incredible or basically ANY OTHER Android device, but yes.....buttons go to the top on the Viewsonic for Portrait (I know). Of course this can be changed, but the default is wrong.....
Yep, they are the opposite of the Droid, Droid 2, HTC Incredible or basically ANY OTHER Android device, but yes.....buttons go to the top on the Viewsonic for Portrait (I know). Of course this can be changed, but the default is wrong.....

Haha Thanks, I thought I was going mad... :p

Also, are the (Search, Home, Menu, and Back) Keys supposed to be lit up? Because when it is dark they are impossible to see. I don't know if I messed something up, but as far as I can tell they never lit up.
No they don't. For true tinkers there is a thread on opening the case and installing LEDs, otherwise look at other launchers or apps like soft key
Design flaw? :)

That's ok, after removing that hideous proprietary software that came with it, I am beginning to grow very fond of my gTab regardless. I installed vegen 5.1 and it is great, then I put Launcher Pro Plus over that and everything is running smoothly. Someday I might look into tinkering with it, but as of now it will do.
I love VEGAn too, but have been running the new TnT Harmony and loving it.
I also switched from vegan to TNT Harmony and like it very much

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I ordered my GTab from Woot on 3/23 for $279, so I don't have it yet, but plan to play with it for about half an hour to get a feel for how bad the UI is before I root and flash to vegan. At first I thought this was some major production, but in reading about the process it isn't much different from flashing the BIOS on my old Windows system 13 years ago.
Anyway, I currently have an Archos 70 that I love, but couldn't resist the GTab for the great specs and ability to customize. When I first got the Archos, it seemed "upside down" when in portrait mode. Someone on an Archos forum who had had the same problem had figured out a work-around. Set your tablet flat on the table. Then place a notepad or pad of checks under the end you want to be the bottom and go to the settings and have it recalibrate as if it is sitting flat on the table. Then, when you remove the notepad and the device is lying flat, it will make the end you did not jack up the top every time. It worked for me!