[ROM][5.1.1] AOSP-5.1.1 / CM-12.1 for Lenovo a2109 (20160901)

Here is the logcat file
Thanks. This is the bit that stands out:
I/Exchange( 2394): EasService.onCreate
I/Email   ( 2371): Observing account changes for notifications
E/ActivityThread( 2371): Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@20c0a54c that was originally bound here
E/ActivityThread( 2371): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService has leaked ServiceConnection com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy$ProxyConnection@20c0a54c that was originally bound here
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1078)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:972)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1805)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1788)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:545)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy.setTask(ServiceProxy.java:189)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.emailcommon.service.ServiceProxy.test(ServiceProxy.java:234)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.service.EmailServiceUtils.isServiceAvailable(EmailServiceUtils.java:160)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.provider.AccountReconciler.reconcileAccountsInternal(AccountReconciler.java:171)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.provider.AccountReconciler.reconcileAccounts(AccountReconciler.java:115)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.reconcileAndStartServices(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:309)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.onBootCompleted(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:295)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at com.android.email.service.EmailBroadcastProcessorService.onHandleIntent(EmailBroadcastProcessorService.java:130)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.app.IntentService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(IntentService.java:65)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
E/ActivityThread( 2371):     at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
I/Exchange( 2394): RestartPingTask
I/Exchange( 2394): RestartPingsTask did not start any pings.
I/Exchange( 2394): PSS stopIfIdle
I/Exchange( 2394): PSS has no active accounts; stopping service.
I/Exchange( 2394): onDestroy

But it only appears to concern Exchange...?

Sound great!! When will you post the latest build? The latest CM11 works great except cast screen. It works better on the new motherboard!!
Would really like to try the latest CM12.1 if the camera works :)


The cast screen will not work with stock libraries.

I would like to post a new build, but I have stumbled into a problem. With stock libraries I have partly working camera, but no video playback. With grouper libraries, I have working video playback, but only a remote chance of fixing the camera. I think I'll build the grouper libs option, because video playback seems more important to me than camera on a tablet. I hope to have a build ready by Friday, with the added note that I hope to also have fixed the autobrightness bug that let's the user black out the screen accidentally.
Things are starting to look VERY good now! Taking pictures works - I have sufficiently finished the same binary hack that laufersteppenwolf and adam77root did for LGE p880 (great inspiration). Video-recording does not seem to work, but I think I fixed the email problem and I fixed the adaptive brightness problem.
Mail work, Camera work, Root work, auto brightness work
I wish a icon for camera, i found only a Start from lookscreen.
Successful upgrade here!
from cm-11-20160304-UNOFFICIAL-kai.zip to cm-12.1-20160311-UNOFFICIAL-kai.zip

OMG I can't believe this!!!
Thank you so very much Dear @PJBrs

Just one issue I should mention is that after upgrade process and everything finished, I went to setting and took a look at menus, then I plugged-in the charger in 35% battery status, and suddenly the tablet got shut down. I totally scared of having it in brick situation! but after a while the display turned on and showing the green ball charging icon in 35%. I pressed power button and it turned on and booted to android. It works so faster than previous cm11 and It's still alive! :D
Check your accu i have no issue with accu or charging.Today accu has 12% tab running without problems, i put charger in and tab running and load accu.Overnight charging also without problems no brick
Accu = battery sorry i am form germany :)
But i agree with you great work and very good Rom for our old tabs
I install the last lollipop build and is working great except the When I start an app, it is verry long to load.. When loader, works great.

Also, sometimes I have a message that Trebuchet is not responding... I don't know if it is my tablet that have somithing wrong. All the others don't seem's to have that problem.

By the way, Bluetooth is OK

Thanks again @PJBrs
I found the Trebuchet always out of control and opened too many app for me, and slow down my tablet.
That's strange... I have no problems with trebuchet. Did you delete cache when you upgraded?
That's strange... I have no problems with trebuchet. Did you delete cache when you upgraded?
Yes. I've wiped data and cache.
Seems it conflict with my browser, and become normal after I change to a different browser.
Thank you very much P JBrs Successful upgrade here too and it' s working great, camera works,just cast screen not working but u know that ,Wow this is great ,what a beautiful job you did,Thank you, Thank you it's like having a new tablet, really enjoying this 5.1 am very happy ,Ray