TechVendetta ROM Developement

I tried already. We need ics source or no hardware will work. Btw midterms + a funeral = I'm pretty busy.

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I think cmod has a bug in something that is causing a hang. I got rid of most of the logcat errors finally but its still not booting fully anymore. Im going to try the following next: A generic build, a custom kernel build, and lastly a source rebase (which is a pain in the ass).
Ok, so as for the kernel build, a chinese infotmic dev by the name of zhaojun seems to have botched the kernel source in terms of the features I needed to add. Is there another recent kernel release other than android-linux- I mean technically I have enough of the code to backport it by hand but thats a hell of alot of code! Starting a generic build before I go to work....

Is this just spam?

Hey i was just wondering if this will work on the Sylvania SLNET7LP tablet?

The recovery and everything I have released up to now should be compatible. Plus you cant brick from flashing the recovery unless you to it to the wrong partition ;P
Thanks for All they hard work your puting into this and it there's any way I can she I'd love to. I have a synet7lp it you need any testing done to don't. Anyway good luck fixing al