Where to buy in the UK?


Aug 22, 2010
Anyone here in the UK that can recommend suppliers? I've had my android phone (HTC Desire) for a few months now and really want to go with a pad as well.

There seems to be a lot of cunfusion about just now, I think I might have to keep an eye on things for a while till the right model comes out. The google one looks great but some sources seem to say it's going to run chrome os and not android? I'd love it if HTC come out with one (have they? are they?) as HTC sence is a brilliant ui on my desire and easily the feature that makes it miles ahead of the iphone.
The majority of offerings in the UK are fronts for a China redirector. (Buy, they ship it to you from China) There are some sources in the UK where you can purchase one, but not sure where you are and how much you want to spend, I am only going in generalities. This knowledge comes from one of my co-workers in Reading. As I am in America, I am not much help.
The only tablet I remember seeing for sale in London earlier this Summer was the Archos 7 IMT. This was in one of the Tourist "duty free" stores. I know there is some release HTC is planning in London next month by HTC. But that is not the same as sourcing a unit.

Best of Luck.
Thanks Gurgle, I've been looking around and to be honest I'm not that happy about sourcing one. I want it to be the mutts nuts, not something to get me by for a while till a better one comes out. I'm a newbie as far as the tablets are concerned so don't want to ask a load of dumb questions... BUT.... if the new HTC model has chrome os, what is the likelyhood of android apps still being the main app source? Google say there will be cross over between the 2 os', but is chrome going to be a natural progression from android??

I'll keep lurking and try and keep the ridiculous question count as low as possible!

Anyone here in the UK that can recommend suppliers? I've had my android phone (HTC Desire) for a few months now and really want to go with a pad as well.

There seems to be a lot of cunfusion about just now, I think I might have to keep an eye on things for a while till the right model comes out. The google one looks great but some sources seem to say it's going to run chrome os and not android? I'd love it if HTC come out with one (have they? are they?) as HTC sence is a brilliant ui on my desire and easily the feature that makes it miles ahead of the iphone.

There are some good UK suppliers on ebay-UK, you just need to ask the right questions of the seller. Like how long to deliver and where they are located etc...

I bought mine from a UK supplier and it arrived two days later and it's a great 7" Telechip model with Android 2.1. Just search for that in e-bay.
There are some good UK suppliers on ebay-UK, you just need to ask the right questions of the seller. Like how long to deliver and where they are located etc...

I bought mine from a UK supplier and it arrived two days later and it's a great 7" Telechip model with Android 2.1. Just search for that in e-bay.

What seller did you buy it from mate? What was the model and price? Its sounds like just what I am after.
