Augen Gentouch no longer available at K-Mart


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

It looks like the ride is over with the Augen Gentouch at K-Mart. I placed my order two days ago online and was surprised to see a cancellation notice in my email this morning.

The cancellation email did not include a reason but did include an 800 number to call to ask why. I decided to do just that. The sales rep was very helpful in trying to locate more tablets in their different stock systems but was unable to find anything. After checking that she decided to find out when more were going to be in stock only to learn that it appears there will not be more in stock. They are out "indefinitely".

We can only guess as to the reasoning for this but it might have something to do with a bit of 'false advertising' and 'android market' problems on the Android Gentouch.

Onto the next tablet now apparently!
I hope they are only pull the stock back to remove the Google Apps on them. There was no indication that they were going to actually pull the product.

I have reason to believe that the Kmart stocks had Google Apps preloaded already.
Wow! This would be bad news! But the Euro SmartSurfer was release over there (aka Gentouch) So if Kmart pulls these devices? Now everyone has the choice to keep it or take it back to them for full refund. Since you can't exchange defective units if Kmart won't order or restock them.
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Kmart has this on their site So what gives!

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You are now chatting with Martin L. How may I help you?
You: Hi Martin
You: Can you tell me what's going on with item: Kmart Item# 020W023705190001 | Model# NBA7800ATP
Tipstir: Hello
Martin L: Thank you for contacting Kmart live chat for assistance. I will be happy to check on this item for you.
Martin L: Thank you Tipstir.
Martin L: I appreciate your patience; this research is taking a little longer than usual.
Tipstir: Take your time, but don't forget I am here waiting? Thanks
Martin L: I am sorry Tipstir the Augen 7" Color Touch Screen Tablet PC Powered by Android™ 2.1 is currently out of stock.
Martin L: Usually when the warehouse is out the website would indicate this and offer to send you an email when it comes in. Unfortunately the web page is not updated yet.
Martin L: I will report this and get it updated.
Tipstir: Thanks for your help then Martin
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The Kmart GT was a trial run. That's why only select stores each get a handful. Based on the reception, and confirmed by the Kmart blog, there'll be more K-pads. Whether or not it's the Augen is beside the point. Whatever (no-name) brand it may be, it will run 2.1 or better, and be low-end, which right now points to only the Telechips.

Even if it weren't a trial run, I would've pulled it if I were the buyer. The GT is nowhere near ready for public consumption, and they'll lose money on the high return rates. The next one will be better, if only because it's hard to imagine that it can be worse than the GT.
The Kmart GT was a trial run. That's why only select stores each get a handful. Based on the reception, and confirmed by the Kmart blog, there'll be more K-pads. Whether or not it's the Augen is beside the point. Whatever (no-name) brand it may be, it will run 2.1 or better, and be low-end, which right now points to only the Telechips.

Even if it weren't a trial run, I would've pulled it if I were the buyer. The GT is nowhere near ready for public consumption, and they'll lose money on the high return rates. The next one will be better, if only because it's hard to imagine that it can be worse than the GT.

I guess the Vendor AuGen can't deliver the stock to the point where Kmart would make a profit. Kmart is losing on this deal with so many customers returning the items because of all the technical glitches, hardware features were added incorrectly like stereo headphone adapter was 2.5mm instead of 3.5mm, no HDMI an etc. More customers must have got really mad to learn that Google Apps have to be pulled or no support for them. Leaving the average user to look else-ware.
The Kmart GT was a trial run. That's why only select stores each get a handful. Based on the reception, and confirmed by the Kmart blog, there'll be more K-pads. Whether or not it's the Augen is beside the point. Whatever (no-name) brand it may be, it will run 2.1 or better, and be low-end, which right now points to only the Telechips.

Even if it weren't a trial run, I would've pulled it if I were the buyer. The GT is nowhere near ready for public consumption, and they'll lose money on the high return rates. The next one will be better, if only because it's hard to imagine that it can be worse than the GT.
Remember that they may be able to get refunds for some or all of the returns from Augen. If a product is defective, it is the manufacturers problem not the stores. I wouldn't be surprised if Augen realized how many returns they were going to have to eat and decided to opt out of their K-mart deal
All AuGen Gentouch purchases from Kmart gives you 90 days store policy return/exchange/refund. Which would cover everyone who just had purchased this time from the get go!

Kmart won't have to get refunds. Like most retailers, it pays on credit, typically net 30. Returns are deducted from net payments. Still, crappy products w/ high return rates don't do anybody any good. There are non-monetary assets at stake, eg. Kmart's brand reputation is dependent on the quality of goods it sells.

I've read elsewhere that Augen had planned on a Sep launch, only to be surprised by the GT's premature availability. So may be the original plan still stands. Either way, it's good for both Kmart to know of the strong demand, and to plan accordingly, and for Augen to know of the work that needs to be done.
Well AuGen should now take the SmartSurfer and sell that here basically Gentouch 88 model with better features and ditch the Gentouch 78. But who knows? Kmart has to honor its customer returns I have my receipt, OEM packaging. The process is the Vendor (OEM) has to cover the cost back to the Seller (Kmart) which in turns pays the Buyer (Customer).

Kmart won't have to get refunds. Like most retailers, it pays on credit, typically net 30. Returns are deducted from net payments. Still, crappy products w/ high return rates don't do anybody any good. There are non-monetary assets at stake, eg. Kmart's brand reputation is dependent on the quality of goods it sells.

I've read elsewhere that Augen had planned on a Sep launch, only to be surprised by the GT's premature availability. So may be the original plan still stands. Either way, it's good for both Kmart to know of the strong demand, and to plan accordingly, and for Augen to know of the work that needs to be done.

Should i return these things?? I just bought 2 off the shelf at my local store. Opened one. Nice little unit. Battery life is a good 2 hours. My biggest complaint so far: doesn't run Flash.
Well it's up to you? I am keeping mine and might go and get another one for the wife so she can read some books an etc. Just for fun I had entered in 30 qty the price was over $5,000 on Kmart site.
they are back again on the site and yes you can order them

personally i think folks are sweating out over small stuff.

I have one and love it, I may even buy a 2nd

I wanted a 10" for me, but now I may just hang on to that $ and buy one in the spring

The Kmarts near me in central florida still have lots of these left. The store in Crystal River had at least 4 when I was there.