Bernie Netbook And Tablet Distributor

Jul 18, 2010
Hi all The company I work for is starting to sell tablet PCs with Android I was searching for info when I found this site.

I look forward to being here and will post any pictures of the tablets we get, they are supposed to start arriving tomorrow from china.

I am so excited because the tablet I have now with android seems useless.

The camera is kinda neat but seems to be the only feature that is worth having, I cannot download apps Even when I do everything I have read in the last 2 days on this problem.

I do not have the right SD card for the thing. It is mini.

I do not even know what I can actually acomplish other than browsing and this seems to be a pain without a mouse.

The user picture I have as my avatar is the newest tablet we are going to a sell. It has:

  • OS-Google Android 2.1
  • Hard Drive- 8GB-Including Expandable SD Card
  • Screen size-7 Inch-touch Screen
  • Processor-800 Mhz
  • RAM-256MB
Price will be around $350.00 USD (Retail) We do mostly wholesale.
I cannot wait to start playing with this new tablet.

I will let you all know how it goes!
