FYI:New Gen 8 Firmware release- 28,43,70,101 (Dec 16,2010)

From all the reports at this firmware seems to be the "magic bullet" so to speak. Everything working awesome. FYI Kenyu's market .apk also installs fine as well AND there is an option in power management to crank this bugger back up to the full on 1 Ghz!
Having just installed it, I can say the there is a noticable improvement. Best of all is it is not a full Firmware blow away everything. All my prior apps including Market and such are still installed. Testing for functionality on those now.
Downloading now, fingers and toes crossed. Good to hear they are fixing the WiFi issues. Not being to have security setup on my network was making me very unhappy.
I have downloaded the files and the accompanying text file does have instructions but I hope that some of you who have already done it can point out some clear do's and do'nts.

Can someone please list the updates as I am unable to access the link at work.
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Version 2.0.71 - December 16th, 2010

  • Wi-Fi: fix Wi-Fi stuck after a while when using WPA2/AES encryption mode
  • Wi-Fi: fix cannot connect on channels above 11 due to wrong default regulation domain
  • Power management: for A43/A70/A101 add a setting in about device to allow 3 levels of power management. Overdrive that allows CPU max frequency to be 1GHz with ondemand governor, optimal that brings CPU max frequency to 800MHz with ondemand governor and powersave that set CPU max frequency to 800MHz with conservative governor
  • Indexing: faster rescan is now achieved at USB disconnect
  • Storage: SDCard now supports NTFS (read only) and EXT3
  • Storage: fix sdcard not recognized sometimes when swapping different cards brands
  • Video: fix subtitles on A101
  • Network shares: enhance scanning speed
  • Network shares: handle the case where a server shares are not visible if not authenticated
  • Network shares: allow in wireless settings to define manually a server authentication details
  • Network shares: reload samba and UPnP services when switching between access points without disconnecting
  • Audio: a silent mode (Global Mute) has been enabled in the power button menu. It will impact all streams except alarms in case one select alarms sound always on in alarm settings
  • Application: appslib is now reinstalled after an Android device reset
  • Application: fix quadrant CPU benchmark
  • Power: fix shutdown sometimes happening on short power button press
  • Internationalization: support for Korean codepage tags and subtitles
  • Multimedia: use smaller memory footprint for decoding H264 SD
  • Memory management: achieve more progressive kill in low memory situation
  • Boot: fix deadlock happening sometimes preventing device to complete boot
Let's see if this works! Hate to send it back, but would be nice to get it working. I did a full wipe clean for send back. Once gone through the setup again it told me there was update waiting. So it's coming down. I got 2x 3T/3R WiFi Routers in use for this device let's see how it goes?
Wow! Now it won't let me slide-load apps. They won't install. I get application not installed. I'll try a full wipe again..
keep us psoted on how the update comes along; finally got a confirmation that my order is getting shipped..:)
Lock-up! I had to press down on the power to get it release, now I can't add my APN's password it all grayed out! Wiped it again and still the same. OS looks like it's corrupted. What a shame. I just wiped it and re-box it and ship it back as WiFi not working which I had reported last week.

Good luck guys, hope you make out better than me. I'll just wait on the Elocity A7 I had ordered today from BJs.
did the update - my archos 70 is still working well w/o any issues...i guess i'm one of the lucky ones?

can't wait to read your elocity a7 review, tipstir.
Mine is fine, Can sideload apps too. Only issue thus far is cannot z4root right now. Will keep you posted