New Archos Firmware 2.1.08


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 6, 2010
1. I sometimes loose Wi-Fi, even though it shows connected, I end up having to restart to get it going again...didn't do that before.

2. You tube won't even open (didn't on the previous FW either for me)

3. MTS files (HD camcorder files) NEVER opened but were supposed to a couple versions player just force quits.
I have been monitoring.It depends upon the model. The 101 update seems to be the most stable with this rev. The 70 and 43 seems to have the most complaints. But, there are very few except for the desire for functioning Flash version to be available. This has been stated, it is still on track,but still in testing.
Well, I have the 101 and i dont really use youtube and i dont think i have any mts files but i will give it a go this weekend and post any issues
Is anyone else having a problem connecting via VPN on a 101? This was a problem in previous versions but was supposed to have been resolved in the firmware update before this one...... when I contacted technical support at ARCHOS they advised updating the firmware to .08 which I have done - but still no success. Am trying to connect to Windows Server 2008 R2.

Helppppp.... :)
More information is needed, What type of VPN are you using PPTP, L2TP.... There are many variables
Hi .. .Sorry to take so long to get back .... ok so I am trying to VPN connect using PPTP and I get a message that says there may be an incorrect username and password (which there is not) or it just freezes. Here is a log of what happens when I try to connect and it returns a wrong username/password dialogue (where XXXX is the domain to connect to):

02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): onError()
02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): Connecting timed out
02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): at
02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): at
02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): at$
02-25 10:41:38.369 E/VpnService(3747): at
02-25 10:41:38.369 I/VpnService(3747): disconnecting VPN...
02-25 10:41:38.377 D/VpnSettings(2604): received connectivity: XXXX: connected? DISCONNECTING err=0
02-25 10:41:38.408 D/VpnWidgetProvider(3754): Connectivity: DISCONNECTING, error=0
02-25 10:41:38.526 I/SProxy_mtpd(3747): Stop VPN daemon: mtpd
02-25 10:41:38.526 D/SProxy_mtpd(3747): mtpd is stopped after 0 msec
02-25 10:41:38.526 D/SProxy_mtpd(3747): stopping mtpd, success? true
02-25 10:41:38.526 I/SProxy_racoon(3747): Stop VPN daemon: racoon
02-25 10:41:38.534 D/SProxy_racoon(3747): racoon is stopped after 0 msec
02-25 10:41:38.534 D/SProxy_racoon(3747): stopping racoon, success? true
02-25 10:41:38.534 D/VpnService(3747): onFinalCleanUp()
02-25 10:41:38.534 I/VpnService(3747): restore original suffices --> null
02-25 10:41:38.565 D/VpnSettings(2604): received connectivity: XXXX: connected? IDLE err=101
02-25 10:41:38.580 D/VpnSettings(2604): create reconnect dialog for event 101
02-25 10:41:38.627 D/VpnWidgetProvider(3754): Connectivity: IDLE, error=101

Is this enough to detect an issue?? Hope you can help.

It is enough to talk to your network support staff. Or the web site for the your VPN brand. It definitely failing on a Java error loop. Sorry, I can only point you the right way. But it is not enough to diagnose the cause of failure
I have a 70 which I upgraded according to the recommendations in the sticky on this site to version 2.0.71 and since then it has been pretty reliable with most things working pretty well. Appslib doesn't work very often.

I use an external GPS lots of different wireless connects, a portable bluetooth hotspot and tether to my HTC Desire HD phone and it all works pretty much all the time. I have had to reboot maybe 3 times in 2.5 months. I read books, I websurf (flash works I think, browsing might be a bit slow), I use tapatalk for quite a few forums, I play a few games, I watch videos, write a few emails update the odd spreadsheet and thats about it.

Should I update to 2.1.8, I am asking because nobody much has talked about updating from the average Joe's perspective.

Is it time to upgrade or do I wait a little longer for the next firmware?

Thanks for any ideas.
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I've had a good bit of trouble with bluetooth GPS in 2.1.8. While using external GPS receivers my tablet hangs every 1 to 2 hours. I made a post about it but no one has replied so I assume I'm in the minority. I haven't tried it at 2.0.71, so I can't compare unfortunately.

I've had a good bit of trouble with bluetooth GPS in 2.1.8. While using external GPS receivers my tablet hangs every 1 to 2 hours. I made a post about it but no one has replied so I assume I'm in the minority. I haven't tried it at 2.0.71, so I can't compare unfortunately.


I have used my tablet with external GPS and Androzic Application but don't recall it hanging, will do a longer test and see what happens under 2.0.71

PS All these banner ads are a bit excessive!:rolleyes:
Any thoughts on upgrading to new firmware?

Sent from my A70S using Tapatalk