Hardware failure.... ? Any suggestions what I try?


Mar 30, 2011
I've been using my new toy for 2 days. Loving it more and more with each usage.

Today - I was reading a book - and turned off the device - < was working properly when I turned it off >. I removed the MicroSD card - and when I put it back in - the device wouldn't power up in any way.

With the MicroSD card - no power

Without MicroSD card - no power

When I plug it in to wall charger - the screen doesn't power up

I fully charged the battery this am - so that shouldn't be a problem

Is this a hardware failure - or is there something I can try before sending device back. Now that I've had the NC in my hand - I don't want to be without one.

Awesome - thanks - that worked great. Everything is back to normal now.


How normal is this - and would the same process work - if I had rooted my device and had a custom ROM - with reformatted EMMC. Have to decide if I'm going to root this puppy in the future - or just enjoy it running off the SD card < which works fine for my needs right now >
That is the standard reset process for a Nook, I don't know of any ROMs that completely bork that but I am sure there are exceptions. As far as how common it is to have this happen, hard to say. Keep in mind that Android tablets function a little differently, off doesn't ALWAYS mean off in terms of things like removing your SDCard. that could have been what triggered your issue if there was some process that was accessing the card, or some process that didn't terminate that needed to find it when you powered back on.

Just glad it worked for you!
Like pbrauer said maybe it wasn't actaully off. If you just pressed the power button you would have been in a screen off sleep mode. To turn the Nook off you have to actaully hold the power button until you get a prompt asking you to power off. It is really off when tapping the power or home button does not wake it.

Of course there could be other cases where it looks like the device is off and home and power presses dont wake it but those should be rare. My guess is you just put it to sleep in this case and removed the card causing the crash.

Candlestick, if you go to settings and signature and put " nook color" on your sig , our mods can add you to the list of proud nook color owners over at - nook color owners thread. And when you are ready with a screenshot ,don' t forget to post it in my thread overvat - themes and wallpaper- just Screenshots-Glad to have you hereGloria
Guess I should change my sig on the Evo since I also have a viewsonic gtablet.

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Like pbrauer said maybe it wasn't actaully off. If you just pressed the power button you would have been in a screen off sleep mode. To turn the Nook off you have to actaully hold the power button until you get a prompt asking you to power off. It is really off when tapping the power or home button does not wake it.

I went through the turn off prompt. The thing that woke it up was holding N button and Power button at the same time. Pressing each one individually wasn't doing a thing - which is what led me to think it was a hardware issue. But it's good to know about the sleep thing.

Does " sleep " save alot of power compared to the default - screen turning itself off. If so, I'll use that feature to conserve the battery when not in use.