Hello, I am wondering if the android tablet is right for me


Nov 11, 2010
I love the android software and I just heard about android tablets. I had no idea they existed and got super excited when I heard they did.

I was thinking of buying one, especially with the holiday season coming and the prices being the lowest they will get. However I am wondering if the tablets are able to perform like my phone or are they a few steps behind?

By this I mean, can I use google maps and other apps like I can on my phone? What are the limitations typically with the android market and tablets?

can I tether my phone to get internet on a tablet? I don't have wireless internet so usually I will just tether the phone on my netbook and just leave my PC connected to the modem. Would I be able to do this to a tablet? oh and I would tether it via usb

Can I watch movies and what not with it? like if I have it on a USB drive, would it work? does it play .avi?

so many questions, but I guess I will start there. Thanks guys!
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to answer all of your questions we need to know what kind of phone you have sense your comparing to that but to answer some of your questions no you will not be able to tether your phone to it through usb and google maps works on some tablets but does need a internet/data connecting they can play avi's with an app and the market works normal if you get one with a working market
I have a motorola cliq so I don't even have 2.0 I believe but would probably want a tablet with at least 2.1
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