Superpad P745 7 Inch Tab PC Infotmic IMAPx210 1GHz Android 2.2 WIFI 2GB Flytouch HELP


Dec 15, 2011

Please excuse me if I have posted in the wrong place, I am new to all this and not sure exactly what I should be doing, but I REALLY would love some help with my new tablet PC!

I bought a Superpad P745 7 Inch Tablet PC Infotmic IMAPx210 1GHz Android 2.2 WIFI 2GB Flytouch and everything works great.... except the android market. I can't download ANYTHING!!
When I got to app market that came pre-installed I chose the app I want to download and it says .... 'starting download' and does not move from there. When I try to download via the browser, it says 'the application will be sent to your device shortly' but nothing ever comes! OH HELP! PLEASE!! To be honest I bought this for my son as christmas present and wanted to download angry birds and all that ready for him, but can't!! What am I doing wrong?

Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate it!

Welcome to the forum!

Join the discussion in the Sylvania Tablets forum for resources for similar 7" InfoTMIC powered tablets or in the forum.

A quick search using the "Search" feature will result in at least one ongoing thread specific to this tablet.

View attachment 4903

PS Request this post be moved to that forum.

Also, this tablet is not much of a children's toy as it requires a lot of care and feeding to work somewhat properly as you have discovered. Another quick "Search" will result in several solutions such as making sure you have a micro SD card installed in the tablet, clearing the cache of the application, and "factory resetting" the tablet.
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