Tablet for eReader and Surfing (Pandigital Novel and Alternatives)


Nov 17, 2010
So I deciede that I want to get my 9 yr old daughter a tablet. She is not computer savy or really interested, but loves to play on my ipod touch. I was thinking this might be that gateway tool so that she can get a little more interested and knowledgeable so that when it is time to use a computer, she will have some base.

I am looking at the TRU and Kmart balck friday deals (Sylvania and gentouch I think) around $140. I am not entirely opposed to spending a bit more if it means it will work better and not be outdated in 5 minutes.

Just hoping I can get some advice. She does not need top of the line and was playing fine with a $299 model in Best Buy yesterday (only one they had for display). I am hoping to stay under $200, but can go over if I HAVE to.

Any suggestions would be great. I have been going over the forums, but I am just not sure. I know I would love to have access to the andriod apps, since they mirror the ipod apps that she already kind of knows. ALso would love if it can USB plug a keyboard or mouse.

Almost any tablet will be OK for that age. all she will be doing is play a few games, maybe draw something...stuff like that. I think a 2.1 tablet OK. Even a lower one will be good, but it is better to have a never version of Android just to make sure all apps run. You can see a list of different android tablets and a comparison between them at the link in my signature. Almost all 7-8" tablets from that page are around 200$. I am sure you will find one that will suit your needs.
Thanks. They all seem pretty close. Her desire today was to be able to access Google Earth because she likes to explore on it. I think my biggest fear is just getting something that turns out to be too difficult for me to set up apps and such for her, or something that becomes completely obsolete right away. Thank you for the comparison site. I have been trying to find something that will let me look at several side by side.
What is the total functionality of the Wits A81E? I like that it has the GPS option as my daughter would LOVE to play with that. I think it said there is only a chinese manual though? Would alayman be able to figure it all out? I also like that it runs off Andriod 2.2 as I think that makes it at least a little more likely to stay usable longer
There are also some new tablets coming out that have a more ruggedized form factor depending on how careful your daughter is. I have 5 girls, and some of them at 9 i wouldn't have worried about, others could have broken a brick. Velocity Micro, Isabella both have them, and Toys R Is is also supposed to be getting in a kid friendly tablet.
Archos 70 all the way. The thing is your best bang for buck and for $275 you get a 7" capacitive multi-touch screen as well
She is pretty good with taking care of her electronic stuff. I have drilled the importance of that into her for a long time. She is hte only kid iin her class never to lose her MP3 player or cell phone, and is careful around my stuff as well. I will look at the archos 70, also looking at the wistech 10" (gramma is willing to help with extra expense if it means a little more functionality for the kid.... loving gramma for that ;) )
The Archos is pushing the total budget a bit. Can anyone say how it compares to the Wistech with the lower price?
I don't think the kid need a multy-touch capacitive screen. A capacitive screen is for people that want to type fast and acces things rapidly. For playing she will be more happy with a resistive touch-screen, mostly because she can also use a stylus to draw, not just her fingers. Multy-touch may be good, but for her it is not that important.

To answer the questions about the Wits A81E. It is a good device, but the lack of G-Sensor can be a downside since some games need that. I don't think she will need a GPS...That is mostly for driving and you will need to buy GPS Maps and software witch are rather expensive. The A81E has been out for a while and is known to be stable device. But is has it's drawbacks. To be honest I will go with the Apad E7002(Aka G10)...or if you want something with Android 2.2 there are a few alternatives for about 210-230$
You know, why not go with an Archos 43? Its about same size as an ipod touch yah? It can have the app market installed with an apk, easy. And it should be under $200, if only just. Or, an Archos 32 which is just $147 on