Trying to Identify Unit / Gome FlyTouch


Sep 14, 2010
Here is the details + pics of a unit I have recently purchased

Operating System: Google Android OS 1.6

Memory: 256MB DDR2 800Mhz

CPU: VIA MW8505 600MHz

Build: 1.8.2

Here are a few pictures:

Android Build:
Home Screen:
Sound + Menu Buttons:


Market App:


The unit performs relatively well, the Market works well, although it's not the "real" Android Market.

I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to those, is it possible to install the real Android Market app or is it possible to add apps without using the App provided? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance.


Here is more info on the sys:


Is the unit a Gome FlyTouch? The back is plain silver with no writing or anything?

Hi chaps. No, this is not the 'real' Gome Flytouch. This is exactly the same unit I have, which I purchased from It is a Flytouch 'clone', and even uses the same ROM operating system image. Note that the 'speaker grilles' are slightly different to a real Gome. The model number of mine is 'TPGA-718'. Also, the VIA processor is a 350 Mhz, not a 600. It has probably been sold to you with a higher spec processor than it has. It has indeed got 256Mb of RAM, and 2GB of solid state RAM though, which is a bonus.

The EPAD 256M 1.9_88 0.3k works very very well on this device, here:

Makes it much more responsive, the official Market works properly now, and all hard buttons still work. Give it a go!
Great! Many thanks for the info mcdonaa.

I will give this Firmware a go.

One last question, how did you find the the model number of your unit? :)

So the procedure to update the firmware is clear:

I need to download the new firmware, uncompress it and pop the script folder at the root of a blank SD card correct?

I can kiss the current firmware bye bye right?

I have downloaded all the power tools, what's the procedure to install those pop them on the SD card and install them from there correct?

Many thanks in advance for all the help.


Yes - all the decompressed files need to exist in a folder called 'script'. Turn on the device, and it will auto-flash itself. Watch for any errors (there shouldn't be any). Take out SD card. Reboot. Whole process take < 5 mins. And yes, your old ROM/OS will be wiped (including installed apps, email, google accounts etc. Its effectively doing a factory reset.
Make sure you install CacheMate then run it! Check off Power Clean. Everything is in the Powertools. Make sure you remove the script folder once the device is Rooted.
Make sure you install CacheMate then run it! Check off Power Clean. Everything is in the Powertools. Make sure you remove the script folder once the device is Rooted.

Cool thanks, one quick Q, what does Caffeine do? Do it calculate the speed of the processor?

Yes benchmark tool. The score on the bottom is what counts. The higher the better!
everything is successful while installing the ROM. However, the screen stuck when rebooting....anyone has such problem?