[ROM] Ployer/Generic 7" A13 [ Android 4.0.4 Hyper Edition ]

Thats your answer for your screentype.

And sadly its a piece of trash... And a plethora of problems with that screen and absolutely nothing to do with this rom.

References to it being trash:
[ubuntu] Touch screen doesn't work. Goodix? - Ubuntu Forums
[android-x86] trying to get a Goodix Touchscreen to work with Android x86 - Grokbase
android-x86 - Re: trying to get a Goodix Touchscreen to work with Android x86 - msg#00277 - Recent Discussion OSDir.com
The forum for Android-x86 project. Any discussion about porting Android to x86 platform. ()

Remember Google is your friend and I am not google despite your flattery.

You should be in the Teclast Forum they use those screens....
But since I'm a nice person heres a rom for you, its not 4.0.4 or performance enhanced nor does it have mali drivers but hey your pad is fake so who cares right!~

Me attempting to help you.
[ROM]Unofficial Android 4.0.3 Firmware with Market and Google Apps - SlateDroid.com
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Zomg i tried small and capital I instead od l :D
I runed lsmod and same result as Grayson73. Here is a screenshot: $shot_000001.png
Thats your answer for your screentype.

And sadly its a piece of trash... And a plethora of problems with that screen and absolutely nothing to do with this rom.

References to it being trash:
[ubuntu] Touch screen doesn't work. Goodix? - Ubuntu Forums
[android-x86] trying to get a Goodix Touchscreen to work with Android x86 - Grokbase
android-x86 - Re: trying to get a Goodix Touchscreen to work with Android x86 - msg#00277 - Recent Discussion OSDir.com
The forum for Android-x86 project. Any discussion about porting Android to x86 platform. ()

Remember Google is your friend and I am not google despite your flattery.

You should be in the Teclast Forum they use those screens....
But since I'm a nice person heres a rom for you, its not 4.0.4 or performance enhanced nor does it have mali drivers but hey your pad is fake so who cares right!~

Me attempting to help you.
[ROM]Unofficial Android 4.0.3 Firmware with Market and Google Apps - SlateDroid.com

See the above if you have that screentype I cannot help you.

Removed Dialer
Removed 3G/Mobile

0.74300510% overall performance gain
Will run Ismod when I get out of the coal mines tonight....but I've got a not so goodix feeling about this :\
I have uploaded a video if this ROM in action as yo will see there are no issues with the screen

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk 2
Last edited by a moderator:
Updated launcher in ROM to apex svn

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 via DroidTALK
its kinda sad, but there are many of this tablets with Goodix touch. I have one too, not McPad F1 actualy, some OEM one. Is there any chance, you could import goodix_touch_811.ko to your release? Guess Im not only one, who would like to try your release.
Tragidy anyway i could get a taste of your JB build i know its not daily use ready yet but i like to see if i can get it up on my A13 I'm working on trying your 4.0.4 build tonight. did you compile your kernel from source?

This 4.0.X ROM will be maintained for any major updates however I am now working on a 4.1 jelly bean rom initial images can be seen below.

Info Center
View attachment 7562

High DPI Desktop
View attachment 7563

Device info #1
View attachment 7564

Device info #2
View attachment 7565

My JB alpha 1, 2 and 3 are all far to unstable for any sort of release or even alpha release, perhaps another time.
its kinda sad, but there are many of this tablets with Goodix touch. I have one too, not McPad F1 actualy, some OEM one. Is there any chance, you could import goodix_touch_811.ko to your release? Guess Im not only one, who would like to try your release.

I could and so can you, that's the beauty of open source.
I would also like to see this rom available on the McPad F1

If enough interest is shown from here on in then I may attempt to port this to a McPad however I currently don't own any devices with this type screen to be able to test any release including drivers.