New Coby 7022-4G

Does anyone know if the Coby MID7022 will play Angry Birds and some of the other android games ?
With no lag whatsoever. I also tried planet vs zombies( i think thats the name) and it played with no lag as well. Gonna probably try gun bros soon.
Thanks. We had purchased the coby 7015 and it wouldn't do any android games without lag or graphix errors. I saw the mid 7022 had just come out and was getting great reviews, so I think we are going to try it.
Thanks. We had purchased the coby 7015 and it wouldn't do any android games without lag or graphix errors. I saw the mid 7022 had just come out and was getting great reviews, so I think we are going to try it.

I picked up a 7022 on the last day of the TRU sale but didn't get around to using it 'til a few days ago.

No problems with the following games from the Amazon store: Peggle, Angry birds, Hex Defense, GRave Defense. But did have problems with Pandas vs ninjas and Dungeon defender

Just got the market (thanks daprospecta) installed last night so haven't done much there except Robotek, the good Youtube app and Flash player. Working great

Very happy with the 7022

Edit: want to mention that i found a nice leather nook jacket for $15 that fits the 7022. Bestbuy in-store has them. Look for the M-edge executive jacket for nook. The package is a white box

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum
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can the 7022-4g do swype?

I'd be lost without it, typing one character at a time even with word guessing would be a nightmare

Hey thanks for the quick response

I'm trying to decide between the mid7022 or samsung's galaxy tab 7", same price after shipping but the samsung will be 3g through version and I really don't want another data plan
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Hey thanks for the quick response

I'm trying to decide between the mid7022 or samsung's galaxy tab 7", same price after shipping but the samsung will be 3g through version and I really don't want another data plan

My thoughts exactly. I passed on the tab even though the screen is amazing but Samsung is bad about updates and i tether my phones internet to my tablet anyway. Is the galaxy tab better? Yes but not that much better to pay a dataplan on for two years. By 2013 that tablet will be very outdated and u still will be on contract.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
yeah, I won't be dragging it around much, I'll just use my droid on the go
but I spend a crapload of time using the droid at home and work when I could be using the 7022 on the wifi
how do you tether? does it have bluetooth?
can I text back and forth on it to my girlfriend's cell phone?

also where will you get replacement batteries?
yeah, I won't be dragging it around much, I'll just use my droid on the go
but I spend a crapload of time using the droid at home and work when I could be using the 7022 on the wifi
how do you tether? does it have bluetooth?
can I text back and forth on it to my girlfriend's cell phone?

also where will you get replacement batteries?
I tether my evo 4g to my tablet so I can pretty much have internet wherever I go. It does not have bluetooth but it hasn't presented a problem for me yet. I have been told and came across some forums that say there are free programs that will allow you to do texting from a tablet. I haven't researched yet but It doesn't sound too far fetched. As far as replacement batteries, I don't know. I bought mine from Toy's R Us and got a replacement plan for 20 dollars. Basically what they will do if something goes wrong with it is give you store credit. I frowned upon this at first but realized I was going to get me an ice cream tablet in the fall(Asus quad core) so this will due till then and I can put that credit towards the new tablet. I have no doubt they will carry it considering they are carrying the Transformer now.
i got it THANKS!
However I cant get a calendar app to work... any one able to help me? I posted a thread explaining what it is doing.
Hi everyone. Just got this tablet yesterday at ToysRus and I'm so happy with it. Previously had the 7024 model but returned it cause the resistive touch screen would get on my nerves. Plus I hated the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom. This fixes both of those issues for me! For any of you that don't know about 1Mobile Market I highly recommend it. It has the official youtube app plus other apps that I downloaded like the Adobe flash app and Google Maps. I'm thinking about adding the official Android Market soon too. :) I'm in love with this Tablet!