TechVendetta ROM Developement

does the IUW1.2 work in xpmode on win7 or inside some form for virtual box?

I haven't tried XPMode so I can't talk for it, but I do use it through a XP VM. The main key to know though is that you pretty much MUST use VMWare. Virtual Box just doesn't work right. VMWare has a free product called VMWare Player that will create or run VM's for you. The key with VMWare is that you can connect a device to the host machine and tell the VM to "take it over" so that the host doesn't even show/think that the device is connect. Doing this with my XP VM is the only way that I could get it to work.
Im contemplating releasing a really buggy rather unusable build for just the cvs sytabex7 tonight, would anyone be interested? Other tablets may need a different ramdisk init to use the touch screen properly.
Don't think i'm ready to try anything just yet but hope it goes well .... still waiting for another disgo 6000 user to throw themselves under the bus first
hey guys whats up been following this thread for awhile now but unclear on some things i bought two sytab7mx and was wandering if this will work for it flashing it with iuw also i havnt been able to find the recvrd_32712 file the link is broken can anyone upload a new one also imbwilling to be a guinea pig since i have an acer a500 also ; thanx again
Link worked for me just now. I'll mirror it on mediafire if you still can't get it for some reason.

Recovery image mirror: recvrd_32712.img

I'm going to try to cut the initial boot time down tonight (its over 15 minutes right now!) and package up the whole pre-alpha base I'm running right now of ics. I'm going to aim to have it packaged and tested by saturday afternoon. It should be risk free assuming no one touches u0 or fails to have backups/stock ius handy.
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I don't mind throwing it at the semi-brick and seeing what sticks.

Probably not the best way to do testing, but hey... worth a go. :)
Link worked for me just now. I'll mirror it on mediafire if you still can't get it for some reason.

Recovery image mirror: recvrd_32712.img

I'm going to try to cut the initial boot time down tonight (its over 15 minutes right now!) and package up the whole pre-alpha base I'm running right now of ics. I'm going to aim to have it packaged and tested by saturday afternoon. It should be risk free assuming no one touches u0 or fails to have backups/stock ius handy.

sweet yeah it was the site for some reason? thnx...anyidea where i can get stock ius?
You have to flash the recovery under expert mode. There will then be an option to select the .img file.

As for finding you ius stock file, refer to here:

As for the update site, there is also another site for dg's images which is identical except for having some other hwver's stored on it. I have that link written down somewhere in my notes if it's needed.
no its alright thanks i figured it out but when i go to burn it nothing appears on my tablet and the program just says progress 0% and the burn button is grayed out after i click on it...sorry for all the questions tried running it as admin too? any thoughts it just hangs there i guess on tab sytab7mx running 2.2 rooted
I'm going to guess you are either running a 64bit windows version, or the driver wasn't installed, or your model has otg disabled. I don't have some variations of these devices so I only really can say what others tell me works or doesn't work. There was a discussion of iuw awhile back in this thread that may help. If you cant otg on your tablet, then youll need a bootable sd to flash it. HOWEVER when I try to flash recovery via sd on the other tablet I have (7lp if I remember correctly) it prevents the system from booting properly.