[ROM] Singapore S7 V100R001C51B011

I have just flashed S7100R001C60B011 firmware (actually I flashed it twice because I forgot to take the sdcard out! Duh!)
Just going to pull the battery and will report my findings.
Stay tuned:D
I have no idea other than as it doesn't have a country operator alongside it in the Modaco posts, I'm guessing it's generic!
SetCPU is showing ondemand max of 998MHz!
Firmware needed rooting again.
27 seconds for reboot.
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998.4MHz Huawei/S7_HW_CN/qsd8k_s7/s7:2.1-update1/ERE27/hid.20101207.172735:user/release-keys
From Linpack test results

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Hold on I've only just got it up and running. Ha Ha.
I've got it here somewhere!

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Parse error in quadrant apk so you'll have wait a little longer.

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I got 632 with C60B011 and 570 with C28B010(best buy) on quadrant advanced.

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Free Memory
308,772,864 bytes
Neocon score
Second run
One thing different is that you can turn off ALL tasks manualy with this firmware
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How can i run quadrant on this tablet ... i installed it from market and it is not working .... ?!
This version also allows four sided display rotation.

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Yes they do.

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